Monthly Member Meetings - Video Recordings
January Meeting 2022 - Speaker, Randy Oakley
Spring Beehive Management - "Using a Vertical Split"
May 25, 2021 - Zoom Meeting

Program Speaker: Mary Reed - TAIS Topic, “From Nuc to Full Hive”
Speaker is Chief Apiary Inspector: Mary Reed, TAIS
Topic: “From Nuc to Full Hive”, Session to Follow - Question & Answer
Mary Reed, currently the Chief Apiary Inspector for the Texas Apiary Inspection Service (TAIS), came to Texas in the summer of 2014. Mary joined the TAIS team first as an Apiary Inspector and served in this role for almost four years before becoming the Chief at the start of 2018. Prior to joining TAIS, Mary worked at the University of Florida Citrus Research and Education Center researching citrus greening. Mary holds a degree in Entomology from the University of Florida.
In addition to the responsibilities of the Chief Apiary Inspector role, Mary also manages the Texas Master Beekeeper Program. She has also served as the Secretary of the Apiary Inspectors of America for the past five years. Finally, Mary is an active member of the Honey Bee Health Coalition where she has contributed to the development of several industry tools and resources.
April 27, 2021 - Zoom Meeting

Program Speaker: Dodie Stillman
March 23, 2021 - Zoom Meeting
21:30 Program Speaker: Dodie Stillman “What to Expect When You are Inspecting” (and Queen Spotting Practice!) Dodie Stillman is a member of the Williamson County Area Beekeepers Association (WCABA) and President of the Austin Area Beekeepers (AABA). She is a Master Beekeeper in the Texas Master Beekeepers Program and and can be found most weekends teaching a beginner or intermediate level beekeeping class. She helps with the WCABA Scholarship Program too. Dodie will use her knowledge as a Master Beekeeper and her experience as an instructor to guide you through that all important first hive inspection.