Membership Application
Welcome to the Williamson County Area Beekeepers Association (WCABA)
We are so glad you are here! If you are new to our organization and want to know more about beekeeping and becoming a beekeeper...
1. Come to our meetings. Every meeting begins with an hour-long educational program followed by our general meeting. Due to Covid-19 restrictions our meetings are currently virtual and conducted via Zoom.
2. Read our monthly Newsletter. Get a closeup of our members and activities. Our membership includes individuals from many professions. There are those with many years of beekeeping experience and quite a few newbees! Meetings are a great time to ask questions and find answers!
The goal of our associations is to encourage and increase knowledge in beekeeping so that this honored and fulfilling hobby will continue for years to come.
The Williamson County Area Beekeepers Association (WCABA) membership provides a variety of benefits to beekeepers in and around the Williamson County area.
Membership benefits include:
Club Extractor (Extracting equipment may be borrowed.)
An annual bee procurement for members (January/February)
Beekeeping Equipment and more